

Pilot-MapReduce relies on a set of external software packages, all of which get installed automatically as dependencies.


Currently Pilot-MapReduce can only be installed via pip directly from GitHub.

To install Pilot-MapReduce from the stable (main) branch in a virtual environment, open a terminal and run:

virtualenv $HOME/myenv
source $HOME/myenv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade -e git://

Next, you can do a quick sanity check to make sure that the the packages have been installed properly. In the same virtualenv, run:


This should return the version of the Pilot-MapReduce installation, e.g., 0.X.Y.

Installation from Source

If you are planning to contribute to the Pilot-MapReduce codebase, you can download and install Pilot-MapReduce directly from the sources.

First, you need to check out the sources from GitHub.

Next, run the installer directly from the source directory (assuming you have set up a vritualenv):

python install

Optionally, you can try to run the unit tests:

# Not developed yet

python test


More on testing can be found in chapter chapter_testing.